However, the rules of the agreement apply to the following aid obligations when used with a main contract: is-are, was-were, has-have, does-do. The principle of subject-verb agreement applies to finite verbs in the present tense and in a limited way for past forms of the verb (was and were). « In most sentences, the subject comes before the verb. In some cases, however, the subject follows the verb, and the subject-verb agreement requires special attention. Consider the following examples: the inclusion of [list] implies that the rest is plural, is part of a longer list, and therefore a collection of something. The rest of this subject is interested in some technical and more advanced verb compliance rules and exceptions to the initial subject-verb compliance rule « of this work » and « including… » Do not affect the correspondence (parity) of the verb. The subject is « the rest », which is not in the plural, so you should use « hat » instead of « have ». 2. Subsidiary sentences between the subject and the verb shall have no influence on their concordance. However, a prepositional sentence inserted between the subject and the verb sometimes complicates the agreement. You can say that something like the topics that have been discussed in the rest of this work, including [list], have been discussed…; OR The problem arises with your subject, not with your verb. You have narrowed yourself by implicitly qualifying the rest with modifiers who would interpret it both as a singular and as a plural: being able to find the appropriate subject and verb will help you correct the errors of the subject-verb concordance. You will find other sentences that show the correct correspondence between the subject and the verb in examples of subject-verb agreement.

You can also download our shorter top 10 rule infographic and keep it handy. I have this strange question. I received a sentence that starts with « the rest of, » and even though I know it clearly takes a singular verb when it refers to a thing, and it also takes a plural verb when it refers to a group of people or. . But everything will be complicated if we have parentheses here. In informal writings, none, and both sometimes take on a plural veneer, when these pronouns are followed by a prepositional sentence that begins with. This is especially true for constructions that ask questions: « Did you read the two clowns on the order? » « Do you both take this seriously? » Burchfield calls this « a conflict between fictitious agreement and real agreement. » * Rule 1. A topic will come before a sentence that will begin with. This is a key rule for understanding topics.

The word of the is the culprit of many errors, perhaps most of the errors of subject and verb. Authors, spokespersons, readers, and hasty listeners might miss the all-too-common error in the following sentence: This sentence uses a compound topic (two topics that are by and connected), which illustrates a new rule about subject-verb concordance…

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