Other names for this document: Non-Renewal of Lease Letter, Notice of Non-Renewal of Lease It is best to check when the lease agreement expires. Year after year – one month`s notice (tenant does not extend) month by month: one month`s notice A rental agreement is a contract with a start and end date; As long as this contract is concluded, no justification for the non-extension is necessary. If there are complications related to the rental agreement or lease, it is recommended that landlords have appropriate legal assistance from a licensed professional. State laws try to be fair to both parties. Since the tenant and the landlord are bound by the contract which is the rental agreement, they are both bound to it. In case of complications when terminating a one-year rental agreement, landlords should consult a rental company/rental lawyer. In general, if you do not give sufficient notification for the extension or non-renewal, the lease agreement will automatically switch to a monthly lease.

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